Looking to amp up your character in FALLOUT? Perk cards are definitely the way to go when creating a robust character! In real life, we can't build our character in such a simple way, but for the avid Fallout collector, we can get awfully close by amping up our Fallout collection with cool gear.
Fresh to the Gear store, is the first of seven S.P.E.C.I.A.L. metal replica perk cards! This months featured card is the Strength Perk Card. An additional card will be available each following month.
Don't miss out on the whole collection!
These cards are being created by Fanattik, and the Gear Store is the only authorized US retailer at this time.
The Strength Metal Perk Card is:
- Limited to only 5,000 worldwide
- Individually numbered on the reversed.
- Embossed image on both sides
- Highly detailed design with a post-apocalyptic finish