Join the Gear Rewards Club

Become a member and earn points & exclusive rewards every time you shop.

How it works

Create an account and get 50 points.


Earn points every time you shop.


Redeem points for exclusive discounts.


Q: I can't use my rewards points for a purchase

A: There can be a couple of reasons for that:

  • You aren't signed in. Please sign into your BioWare Account
  • You don't have enough points. You need to have a minimum of 100 points to make a redemption.
  • If you are still having issues, unrelated to these issues, please contact our Customer Service team for help.

Q: Do my points ever expire?

A: Points expire after a year of inactivity.

Q: How long do I get to retain my Tier Level?

A: When you gain a tier, you retain that tier for 12 months. If, after 12 months, you have not earned enough points to retain the tier, you are demoted to your eligible tier.

Q: Why can't I write a review or upload images/videos of my purchase anymore?

A: These features were removed with an update to our rewards program. You can still earn points through various means. Check out Gear Rewards page to see how you can earn points.

Q: Do coupons expire?

A: Yes, coupons redeemed using loyalty points expire within 90 days. If you redeem a coupon and it expires, we will not add the points back to your account and the points will be lost.