The 10 Most Interesting Findings from Our Annual Customer Survey Results

Our Bi-Annual Customer Survey Results

The customer feedback survey is a crucial part of our bi-annual review. We value the opinions and thoughts of our customers and we put the feedback to good use as we change and improve our products, services, and site features.

With this survey, we want to know what you think about our service, whether it's easy to find the right product, if you're happy with how quickly we shipped your order, and a number of additional questions. We also take into account your overall satisfaction with our customer service and your opinion on the quality of the goods that you received.

#1. "I feel that the company matches my expectations."

The Gear Store is dedicated to creating or partnering with companies that create high quality products for a fair price and provide excellent service.

In the survey, 52% of you feel that we offer:
High Quality and High Service at a High price.

24% of you feel we offer:
High Quality and High service at a Low Price

17% of you feel that we offer:
Low Quality and Low Service at a High Price

7% of you feel that we offer:
Low Quality and Low Service at a Low Price.

While we are happy that the vast majority of you, 76%, feel that we have high quality and service - we also acknowledge that you feel that our pricing can be better. We will continue to work on that throughout the year. It may not come as a surprise to most folks, but the current pandemic impacts on manufacturing and supply chain issues are creating lots of challenges for companies around the world when it comes to costs and timing. We know that the impacts will continue for much of 2022, but we will continue to look for ways to improve our product offerings.

#2. "Do you think the average gamer knows about the Gear Store?"

On a scale of one to five stars (not aware to very aware), you feel that the average gamer is moderately aware of the gear store (3.2 stars).

This is a valuable observation and will be looking at ways to grow the awareness of the store in 2022. Why is that important? If we can have more fans shopping on the Gear store, then we can produce higher quantities of product, which allows us to get better pricing on manufacturing. In other words, we can make things at a more reasonable cost, and that allows us to lower retail costs as well!

#3. "How easy is it to find the best solution to buy video game Merch?"

On a scale of one to five stars (not aware to very aware), you feel that it is pretty easy to find the best option for buying merch (3.6 stars).

The Gear Team is constantly looking for new ways to spread the word about launches and feature upgrades on the gear store. This past year, we've been sharing information with more media folks so they can write about our favorite products. In 2022, we've got more plans to help share information with the fans so they can stay up-to-date.

#4. "How easy is it to find and select products on the Gear Store?"

On a scale of one to five stars, you gave us 4.1 stars.

We love that we have ranked so well. We spend a lot of time looking testing our site to find better ways to make it easier to shop the store. We've got a few more ideas to roll out this year to try and help you find the products you are looking for. 

#5. "How easy is it to complete your order?"

On a scale of one to five stars, you give us a stellar 4.4 stars.

This is massive! We've spent hundreds of hours testing our check out process to try and make is as clean and simple as possible. That is no simple feat when you toss into the check out mix the ability to use Reward Points, discount codes, shipping insurance, and lots of additional back-end complications. We'll keep looking for ways to make it even faster and easier in the coming year.

#6. "How easy is it to track your order and get frequent updates?"

On a scale of one to five stars, you give us pretty high with a 3.7 stars.

Whether you are using your account page to find information about your orders or one of the many secondary market tracking apps, you seem to be pretty content with the ways you have to track your order. We recognize that the ranking isn't stellar though and we will continue to work with our shipping carriers to find better ways to get you shipping information.

#7. "Did you receive your order when needed and in the time expected?"

On a scale of one to five stars, you gave us 3.7 stars.

In this time of pandemic impacts on our warehouse and the shipping carriers, we were pleasantly surprised that you gave us such high marks in this category. Our warehouse team continues to find ways to make our fulfillment and shipping process faster and more efficient. We hope you will see the results of this effort in the coming year.

#8. "How easy is it to get help if a problem appears or request a cancelation/refund?"

On a scale of one to five stars, you awarded us with 3.7 stars.

As you know, you can contact our customer service team anytime through the Customer Service Team Portal. In case you haven't checked it out, we recently added our AI powered Gear Bot that can answer a lot of your order questions. We will continue to monitor our Gear Bot and give him training to better answer your questions faster and more accurately. We are also testing other methods of customer service features for potential roll out in 2022.

#9. "Did you enjoy the item(s) you ordered?"

On a scale of one to five stars, you awarded us with a massive 4.3 stars.

This score made out product development and manufacturing teams very happy. Do we have room to improve, we sure do, and we are looking into a number of different ways in 2022 to improve your satisfaction of the items you ordered. One of the first plans we are rolling out, is doing more Partner Programs - finding some of the best product developers in the industry and working with them to create stellar products for the Gear Store. Secondly, we want to create advisory boards that are made up of some of the biggest game fans to help us channel the voice of the fans and chart strong product development.

#10. "How easy is it for you to consistently have a good customer experience?"

On a scale of one to five stars, you gave us 4.1 stars.

Whether you love the products or the service, you gave us a big boost of confidence by letting us know that you feel we do it consistently. Our goal is to have a great experience every time. We know that might not actually be possible, but that is what we aim for, and if we make a mistake, we want to find you a resolution quickly and to your satisfaction.


Now, I know we said we had"ten findings", but there are a few more bits of feedback that you gave to us that we felt were very important to us. In fact, for us, they were some of the most important bits of information - because these questions help to inform us the most.


#11. "How easy is it for you to share your feelings and feedback about a product or service?"

On a scale of one to five stars, you gave us 3.9 stars.

Whether you are writing reviews, sharing your feelings to our customer service team, talking to our community team on social, leaving product suggestions with our Gear Bot - we understand that the majority of you find it pretty easy to share your thoughts and give us feedback. As we head into 2022, we will be looking at new ways to encourage and make it even easier to share your thoughts with us.

#12. "Do you feel like your feelings and feedback are heard and taken into consideration by the Gear Store?"

On a scale of one to five stars, you gave us 3.4 stars.

While the majority of you gave us good marks, we recognize we can do better. That is one of the reasons we are sharing this survey feedback. We want you to understand how your feedback correlates with the rest of the Gear Store community. Ensuring that your voices are heard is also one of the reasons we are putting together the Advisory Board. 

#13. "How likely are your to recommend the Gear Store to family or friends?"

On a scale of one to five stars, you gave us 3.9 stars.

This was a pretty positive signal that we are meeting your expectations in with quality products and service. It shows us we have some improvements to make, and we take that very seriously. We love that a significant majority of you are so happy with the products and service that you would recommend us to your families and friends.

Conclusion and takeaway from our annual customer survey results- "We are proud of the excellent work that we do for our customers and continually want to find ways to serve them better. We hope this report has been an informative journey into the thoughts of those who matter most - you, our customers!"

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